Pollution in
​the Workplace

Did you know.. if you can see the “floaties” indoors, ​you are breathing in pollution.

What We Do

Empowering Businesses

Through tailored educational programs, we enlighten businesses about the detrimental effects of indoor pollution on their surroundings ​and provide actionable strategies to combat it.

Advocacy for Clean Water

We advocate for policies and practices that ensure access to clean water sources, striving to eradicate waterborne diseases and ​promote hydration for optimal health.

Promoting Air Quality

By raising awareness and implementing solutions, we work towards reducing indoor air pollution levels, thus safeguarding respiratory ​health and well-being.

Educational Outreach

Our educational campaigns target schools, households, and communities, instilling awareness and promoting habits that contribute to a ​healthier indoor environment.

Collaborative Partnerships

Through strategic alliances with like-minded organizations and businesses, we amplify our impact and extend our reach to broader ​audiences.

Community Engagement

We facilitate community-driven initiatives, encouraging active participation in efforts to create cleaner and healthier living ​environments.

Our Mission

At Healthy Workspace, 16105653 Canada Foundation, we are dedicated to empowering communities ​worldwide to thrive by equipping businesses with comprehensive knowledge about indoor ​pollution. By doing so, we champion the cause of clean water and clean air for healthy living. Our ​ultimate aim is to mitigate health risks, elevate the quality of life, and foster a sustainable future ​where every individual can breathe fresh air and drink pure water without hesitation.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or you want to participate in one of our events or activities, please click the button below to email us directly